As a highly sensitive women you probably have a well of untapped potential within that you struggle to access. This can create underlying frustration and resentment, often leading to self-criticism and feeling not good enough.
Traditional coaching may encourage you towards goals that are not aligned with your inner being, that challenge you in the wrong way and that may trigger self-judgement and feelings of failure. As a sensitive person you need more space, time and nurturing to access and realise your deeper truth and potential.
This six session AWAKEN Your Inner Spirit package goes deeper than most conventional coaching programmes to enable you to discover a new way of being based on reconnecting with your inner spirit.
It has been crafted specifically to enhance awareness and holistic healing and to harness the strengths and wisdom you already have within you. This means you CAN manifest an aligned and meaningful life in a way that is right for you.
Based on a transpersonal perspective and incorporating proven psychological techniques it aligns your mind, body and spirit with your higher purpose and vision for transformations that last a lifetime.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describe the stepping stones to achieving a more fulfilled life. He believed in identifying and pursuing your purpose in order to achieve fulfilment.
(Abraham Maslow, Psychologist)
AWAKEN Your Inner Spirit focuses on your higher level growth needs looking not only at deepening your understanding and actualising your potential but also defining your soul purpose and exploring spiritual fulfilment
Using intuition, connection, compassion and mindful states, the AWAKEN programme harnesses the transformative potential of the healing presence between you and I to access a higher power or a deeper knowing and help realise your inner desires.
There are six overarching elements to the AWAKEN Your Inner Spirit programme however the specific content of each session will be unique to you and your individual needs.
We’ll start by stepping back and reviewing the places where you have become stuck.
Using a technique called Open Awareness to help us gain mindful states you’ll discover new realisations and deeper understanding.
From new perspectives and insight comes choice and empowerment.
Armed with this knowledge you will clearly see the paths and options available to you.
Wisdom comes from pain and in this session we’ll be unearthing the messages in your pain.
We’ll explore the wisdom you are receiving everyday that will give us the clues we need to uncover your true needs and desires.
Then we’ll look at where you can bring your life into fuller alignment with your needs.
You’ll be making decisions with ease and navigating towards a purposeful, valued life.
Now you have the knowledge and are clear of your path it’s time to awaken your potential.
Discover your inner warriors and guides and activate them to help bring your dreams alive!
You’ll develop a strong team of inner resources that you can call upon to guide you along your path of choosing.
They will give you the confidence, courage and nurturing you need to walk your path of truth.
Open the door to your inner spirit. Develop a deeper connection with the core of your being.
Connect with heart-centred awareness and come to know your deeper parts.
With powerful visualisations and meditations we’ll encourage your joyful parts to come out of hiding.
With this deeper level of self acceptance and knowing you will rediscover your spark for life.
In this session we’ll look at ways to balance your energies so you can continue your journey of awakening feeling soothed, safe and contained.
We’ll chart where your feminine and masculine energies are out of balance and find solutions to realign them.
This may include harnessing your fierce self-compassion, exploring your creativity or spirituality, setting boundaries or soothing practices for your mind, body and soul.
Together we’ll chart out ways you can integrate your awakened self into your pathway for authentic, joyful living.
We’ll use powerful future visualisations to align your aspirations with your awakened energies and turn your desires into reality.
We’ll explore ways you can find genuine connections and continue connecting with your inner self and deeper purpose on your way to freedom, joy and fulfilment
The nine hours of coaching offered within this programme, can be booked flexibly to fit in with you and your schedule. The frequency and length of sessions (60 or 90 minutes) is up to you.
Ideally you will need at least two weeks between the appointments to allow for further reflection and activation of the principles within your life.
If you prefer to have more time to absorb your new insights, you can choose to take the sessions further apart.
I know how it feels to live behind a mask, trying desperately to fit in and be accepted but losing a sense of yourself in the process.
After 20+ years studying and working in clinical psychology, more than a quarter of a century exploring spiritual practices and now connecting with my high sensory awareness I’m finally discovering the joy of awakening my inner spirit.
Now I’ve realised my soul purpose to guide and empower sensitive women like you to awaken your hidden potential and start living the life you were born to live too!
Your path to deeper self-acceptance and awakened authentic living starts here!
Dr Sally Conway
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